

Plumbing work in Columbiana County requires a plumbing permit. A permit can be purchased at the Columbiana County Health Department.

Plumbing must be done by a plumbing contractor that is licensed with the State of Ohio and registered with the Columbiana County Health Department.

If you wish to register with the Columbiana County Health Department you must have a copy of a current state plumbing license, and pay a fee of $125.00 the first time you register. Thereafter, the fee is $100.00 per year if you pay it before February 15th. After February 15th, the fee is $125.00.

If you have any questions please contact the Plumbing Inspector directly between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. at 330-424-0272 Ext. 117

Plumbing Permit for Master Plumbers - Click Here (PDF)
Permit Procedure:
1. Print the permit
2. Fill in the permit
3. Add fees and include the $70 base fee
4. Mail the permit and fees to the Health District
Call with any questions 330-424-0272.

Legionnaires' Disease

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